How to place an order on "KhalesShop"?

Please watch the following video to know about all the easy steps of placing an order on KhalesShop.

To buy online from KhalesShop, please follow the procedures-

  1. Firstly, go to your web browser and type in to visit KhalesShop’s website.
  2. If you are a registered user of KhalesShop, then click on SIGN IN and type in your email address and password to LOG IN. If you are not a a registered user of KhalesShop, then click on REGISTER and fill in your name, email ID, address, phone number and all other required information and submit it.
  3. To go through product categories, go to KhalesShop’s home page and click on the different category banners set out on the home page. You will also find other category tabs above with listed products of your selected category.
  4. If you prefer an item, click on it. To have a closer look, place your cursor on the image of the selected product to zoom into it. Click on SIZE CHART to match your product size (if any) to your preferred size.
  5. Click on PRODUCT DESCRIPTION tab below to read through the description of the selected product. Click on PRODUCT CONDITION to know all the conditions applicable.
  6. After selecting your preferred size, fill in your preferred quantity/number of the product and click on BUY NOW.
  7. You will see your product listed on the new window that will open up. To buy more products, click on CONTINUE SHOPPING and follow the previous steps to select products to add to your shopping cart. Your product can be seen listed when you click on the CART ICON above.
  8. If you wish to conclude your shopping here today, click on PROCEED TO PAYMENT to go to the payment page.
  9. If you are logged in, then your information will be automatically filled in; if not, then log in using your email ID and password.
  10. Select your mode of delivery and payment.
  11. Please review and check your order and click on PLACE ORDER to confirm.
  12. When your order is confirmed on the next page, please keep your order number noted.
  13. Happy browsing and shopping through KhalesShop!